Individual Coaching

From time to time, we face challenges for which professional support can be of great benefit. Be it when making a far-reaching decision, optimizing your personal performance, resolving a stressful conflict or taking courageous steps towards personal growth.

Individual coaching can be helpful in such cases. I will first help you to define your goals precisely. I will then support you along the way as a consultant with feedback, empathic presence and my professional expertise.


Possible topics:


Self-presentation and self-confident appearance

  • Presenting clearly and engagingly
  • Overcoming nervousness and stage fright
  • Voice training and working on body language
  • Asserting yourself in challenging conversations and defending your own point of view powerfully
  • Improving small talk and networking with confidence


Constructive communication and conflict management

  • Increasing listening skills as a powerful (leadership) tool
  • Preparing for difficult conversations
  • Understanding and resolving conflicts
  • Assertive and at the same time approachable (leadership) – how does that work?
  • Dealing with intercultural challenges


Self-management and personal growth

  • Recognizing and overcoming destructive beliefs (e.g. imposter syndrome)
  • Making better use of your own strengths
  • Working through upcoming decisions
  • Strengthening proactivity as a basic attitude to increase your own effectiveness
  • Overcoming personal crises, strengthening resilience
  • Reconciling work and private life


My work as a coach is solution- and resource-oriented. It is based, among other things, on the Non-Violent Communication approach according to Marshall Rosenberg. My basic attitude is rooted in the humanistic psychology approach.

Feel free to contact me and we will find out together whether I am the right companion for you!


Individual coaching is available in German or English.

It can take place in Göttingen, in Diemarden, if necessary at your location and also online.


You have little time and would like to work on important topics in a concentrated form? Take a look here at the “Compact Coaching” offer.


„Der Blick auf das Individuum, Achtsamkeit und fachliche Kompetenz – das zeichnet die Arbeit von Frau Mariß aus.“

Anja Lipschik, Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen

„Die GRK-Kollegiat*innen schätzen besonders die praxisorientierte Vorgehensweise und bewerten Frau Mariß durchgängig mit „sehr gut“.“

Dr. Maren Zempel-Gino, Forschungsreferentin an der Universität Göttingen

„In den vielen positiven Feedbacks wurde besonders das Eingehen auf die individuellen Anliegen und das Setzen wichtiger Impulse für konkrete Handlungsschritte betont.“

Helga Gotzmann, Zentrale Gleichstellungsbeauftragte, Universität Hannover

„Hervorheben möchte ich die große Erfahrung, die Frau Mariß mit universitären Projekten hat. Ihre Coachings sind im Sinne der unmittelbaren Anwendbarkeit für alle Mitglieder des Kollegs eine sehr große Hilfe gewesen.“

Matthias Beilein, Wissenschaftlicher Koordinator, Universität Göttingen

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