How to master a job interview

Professional and authentic in online and in-person job interviews


An interview gives a prospective employer the opportunity to speak with you and consider your appropriateness for the job in question. Since your resume or job application showed that you possess the desired skills for the job, the interview will also focus on your personality, working style and communication skills. It is intended to provide the interviewer with the necessary information to decide whether you can meet the criteria for the position and fit into the company culture.

So it`s not only about what you say but also how you behave and communicate during the interview: Are you able to listen and answer appropriate to the questions of the interviewer? Can you radiate self-confidence and openness? This hands-on workshop will support you in facing the next job interview more confident and well-prepared.



  • The phases of a job-interview
  • How to make a good first impression
  • Improvement of your conversational skills
  • How to connect with your personal strengths and deliver an authentic and confident presentation
  • Challenging moments in job interviews and how to deal with them
  • The “no-go-behavior” in interviews
  • How to cope with nervousness



  • Brief theoretical inputs
  • Exercises for the improvement of personal appearance and communication
  • Breathing, vocal and body language exercises
  • Role plays of job interviews
  • Detailed individual feedback
  • Video recording of the role plays



Online: 2 x 4 ½ hours, preferably on two consecutive days, with 2-4 participants. Or with 2-4 participants for one-day and 4-8 participants for two-day face-to-face seminar.



„Der Blick auf das Individuum, Achtsamkeit und fachliche Kompetenz – das zeichnet die Arbeit von Frau Mariß aus.“

Anja Lipschik, Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen

„Die GRK-Kollegiat*innen schätzen besonders die praxisorientierte Vorgehensweise und bewerten Frau Mariß durchgängig mit „sehr gut“.“

Dr. Maren Zempel-Gino, Forschungsreferentin an der Universität Göttingen

„In den vielen positiven Feedbacks wurde besonders das Eingehen auf die individuellen Anliegen und das Setzen wichtiger Impulse für konkrete Handlungsschritte betont.“

Helga Gotzmann, Zentrale Gleichstellungsbeauftragte, Universität Hannover

„Hervorheben möchte ich die große Erfahrung, die Frau Mariß mit universitären Projekten hat. Ihre Coachings sind im Sinne der unmittelbaren Anwendbarkeit für alle Mitglieder des Kollegs eine sehr große Hilfe gewesen.“

Matthias Beilein, Wissenschaftlicher Koordinator, Universität Göttingen

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