A Strong Performance!

Convincing self-presentation in talks, meetings and interviews


What is the secret of people who easily get everyone’s attention as soon as they start speaking?

Be it in a talk, a meeting or a job interview – we like to listen to them and trust them right away. This powerful effect cannot be explained primarily by the brilliance of the content. The secret lies much more in the convincing appearance of these people, in their charisma and great presence.


The good news is: A strong performance can be learned!


This intensive course – a workshop in the truest sense of the word – will take your self-presentation to the next level. You will work very concretely on optimal body language, voice and presence and receive many practical tips. In a benevolent, supportive atmosphere, you will try out in presentations and role-plays what you have learned before and receive lots of valuable, constructive feedback, so that you can transform yourself step by step into a more confident and convincing person in challenging meetings and presentations!



  •  Short theoretical inputs on relevant aspects
  • Two presentations/role plays by each participant
  • Differentiated feedback from the trainer and the other participants
  • Video recordings of the two performances, which will be sent to you after the course
  • Intensive work on body language, voice, breathing, eye contact
  • Improving self-awareness and self-control during the performance
  • Dealing with stage fright before and during the performance
  • Identifying and transforming obstructive self-beliefs




1 x 4 ½ hours with 2-4 participants or 2 x 4 ½ hours with 4-6 participants or a one-day workshop with 4-6 participants – all formats are possible online and in person.



„Der Blick auf das Individuum, Achtsamkeit und fachliche Kompetenz – das zeichnet die Arbeit von Frau Mariß aus.“

Anja Lipschik, Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen

„Die GRK-Kollegiat*innen schätzen besonders die praxisorientierte Vorgehensweise und bewerten Frau Mariß durchgängig mit „sehr gut“.“

Dr. Maren Zempel-Gino, Forschungsreferentin an der Universität Göttingen

„In den vielen positiven Feedbacks wurde besonders das Eingehen auf die individuellen Anliegen und das Setzen wichtiger Impulse für konkrete Handlungsschritte betont.“

Helga Gotzmann, Zentrale Gleichstellungsbeauftragte, Universität Hannover

„Hervorheben möchte ich die große Erfahrung, die Frau Mariß mit universitären Projekten hat. Ihre Coachings sind im Sinne der unmittelbaren Anwendbarkeit für alle Mitglieder des Kollegs eine sehr große Hilfe gewesen.“

Matthias Beilein, Wissenschaftlicher Koordinator, Universität Göttingen

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