Constructive Collaboration in international groups

Enhancing your teamwork skills


Doing a doctorate or working within an international group of researchers is certainly both: inspiring and supportive on the one hand – as we can benefit from the existing diversity – and challenging on the other hand, as the different cultural backgrounds and imprints of the group members can harbor additional potential for conflict.


The workshop “Constructive Communication” supports the participants in reflecting on their own learned communication patterns, recognizing obstructive behavior and replacing it with constructive alternatives, thus strengthening cooperation. This serves to prevent conflicts – e.g. by avoiding misunderstandings – and it also strengthens a confident, positive handling of existing differences.


In addition to teaching the basics of Marshall Rosenberg’s communication approach (see “Appreciative Communication”, workshop number 6), a second focus of the seminar is on the gender aspect in communication, since mindful cooperation between women and men in international groups can be demanding and sometimes needs to be learned. In addition to various playful elements, the workshop offers a “tool-box” suitable for everyday use, with the help of which conflict-prone gender stereotypes and “labels” can be recognized and dissolved.


Voices of participants:

“I would recommend the workshop to a colleague because you really learn how to use a communication strategy with your own issues. The workshop is intense and a good team building exercise. The communication strategy (Marshall Rosenberg) is amazing. The trainer was fabulous and taking great care of our needs.”


“It helped me on how to handle communication conflicts in a multi-cultural setting by using the provided skills (4 steps of the communication model of Marshall Rosenberg: observations, feelings, needs and requests).”


“I liked to which extent the course was hands-on and practical. I also valued the flexibility of the trainer to adapt to the specific needs of the group.”



Online: 2 x 4 ½ hours or 3 x 4 ½ hours with 3-8 participants. Or a 2-day face-to-face seminar 3-12 participants.

The seminar can also be conducted with existing work groups as a team development measure. This is especially recommended at the beginning of a project.




„Der Blick auf das Individuum, Achtsamkeit und fachliche Kompetenz – das zeichnet die Arbeit von Frau Mariß aus.“

Anja Lipschik, Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen

„Die GRK-Kollegiat*innen schätzen besonders die praxisorientierte Vorgehensweise und bewerten Frau Mariß durchgängig mit „sehr gut“.“

Dr. Maren Zempel-Gino, Forschungsreferentin an der Universität Göttingen

„In den vielen positiven Feedbacks wurde besonders das Eingehen auf die individuellen Anliegen und das Setzen wichtiger Impulse für konkrete Handlungsschritte betont.“

Helga Gotzmann, Zentrale Gleichstellungsbeauftragte, Universität Hannover

„Hervorheben möchte ich die große Erfahrung, die Frau Mariß mit universitären Projekten hat. Ihre Coachings sind im Sinne der unmittelbaren Anwendbarkeit für alle Mitglieder des Kollegs eine sehr große Hilfe gewesen.“

Matthias Beilein, Wissenschaftlicher Koordinator, Universität Göttingen

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